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Silver medal Awarded at Alltech 2017 Lough Gill Mac Nutty Macadamia Nut Brown Ale pours an opaque brown with a beige head. On the nose Lough Gill Mac Nutty Macadamia Nut Brown Ale displays aromas of nuts, cocoa and milk. On the palate presents notes of malt, toffee, caramel and obvious nutts.ABV5.5%CHECK OUT SOME MORE GREAT BEERS AVAILABLE ON THIS OFFER!
Collections: All Beers, All Special Offers, Amber Beer, Bargain Busters, Beer, Formally- 4 for €12 - Now Net price - €3, Irish Beers
Category: 440ml, Amber, Amber-Brown-Ale, Beer, Beer-Special-Offers, Beer-Style, Brewery, Country, Craft-Beer-Cans, Ireland, Lough-Gill-Brewing-Co, mix-&-match-4-for-12, Size, Sligo