Tintilia is a black-skinned grape indigenous to the small region of Molise. It is grown in very small quantities. Tintilia wines tend to a rich, ruby red in colour and are full-bodied, with evident, yet soft, tannins.
This wine is full-bodied, soft and velvety, with a perfect blend of flavours of plum and undergrowth and hints of leather and liquorice, deep ruby red colour with purple hues.
Taste Characteristics
Collections: All New Arrivals, Italian Wines, New Arrivals to Wine, Red Wine, Tintilla, Wine
Category: 750ml, Country, dry, dry2, Italy, light, light3, New-Arrivals, New-Arrivals-Wine, Red, Size, smooth, smooth3, soft, soft3, taste, Tintilla, wine, Wine-Style