Farringtons Bohemian-style Lager has a subtle malt base, balanced with noble hop bitterness and the signature taste of Czech Saaz hops giving it a spicy, earthy aroma,finishing with a clean, crisp taste.
Sold Out €3.30
Farringtons Bohemian-style Lager has a subtle malt base, balanced with noble hop bitterness and the signature taste of Czech Saaz hops giving it a spicy, earthy aroma,finishing with a clean, crisp taste.
Tasting Notes
Collections: All Beers, All New Arrivals, Beer, DRS, Farringtons Brewery, Irish Beers, Lager Beer, New Arrivals to Beer, Staff Favourites - Beer
Category: 440ml, Beer, Beer-Staff-Favorites, Beer-Style, DRS, Farringtons Brewery, Ireland, Kildare, kinnegar-440ml-cans-4-for-12, Lager, New-Arrivals, New-Arrivals-Beer, Pilsner, Size, Sligo