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"Grande Réserve" is an exceptional beer that is fermented in barrels. The beer enjoys a triple fermentation and a long maturation in barrels. Grande Réserve is neither filtered nor pasteurised and has an inimitable round and woody taste.
Tasting Notes:
In the nose, we clearly distinguish floral and fruity scents: violets and elderflower go hand in hand with eau de vie aromas of banana and beer. In the mouth, this bouquet is complemented by coconut and vanilla aromas of oak and completed by subtle hints of caramel is a pleasant surprise. The beer has a sweet attack that is taken over by the alcohol that is generously present. The smooth character continues into the aftertaste.
Collections: Ale Beer, All Beers, All New Arrivals, Beer, Belgian Beer, Belgian Beers, New Arrivals to Beer
Category: 750ml, Beer, Beer-Style, Belgian, Belgium, Brewery, Chimay, Country, Craft-Beer, Craft-Beer-Bottles, Dark-Beer-Ale, New-Arrivals, New-Arrivals-Beer, Size, trappist